Music I am Listening To: I Wanna Go by Britney Spears

I am sitting in the office and my iPod is on shuffle and the song that comes on is I Wanna Go by Britney Spears. If you are a music fan and were alive a couple of years ago, you will remember Ms. Spears’ meltdown and subsequent MTV performance which was less than stellar. However, Ms. Spears has picked herself up and has recently been hitting it big with her new album Femme Fatale, her seventh studio album. Britney Spears is an amazing entertainer and I for one LOVE her new album. I just wish I had gotten to see her in concert when she was in my area. If you have been to any one of her seven tours since 1999 you know she puts on a hell of a concert. I would definitely recommend her new albumĀ if you are looking for some good, new music.