Life after College: Am I Ready?

So, I am back at school for what will hopefully be by last semester of school. And while I am super excited about the end of my college career, I am also terrified. Transitioning from elementary school to middle school wasn’t a huge jump but I did have to concentrate on the jump. Middle school to high school I had to take a few steps back to make the leap. High school to college I had to use a zip line. I can only imagine the machinery I will need to survive the jump from college to adult life. I would like to think that I will only need a small 2 person plane to make the jump but as it gets closer and closer I am thinking I may need closer to a 747, with plenty of space. Last semester all I could think is that I am ready for college to be over but as I get closer to the end I am reconsidering. Think my parents would be mad if I decided to change my major? Mad, probably not. Not willing to pay for at least 2 more years of school, more plausible.

I recently made a mistake that I am extremely embarrassed about. This is the kind of mistake that has the potential the change my current course. It was me not paying attention to a little thing. While I know it will be fine I am afraid that this is the kind of thing that I am afraid of. Am I ready for the real world? If this mistake is any indication maybe real life isn’t for me.

I’ve always known what is next. I have dutifully gone from elementary to middle to high to college. This is the first time I will attend a graduation that is effectively an end of around 17 years of education.  After graduation there just seems to be this empty space and honestly, I do not know if I am ready for it.