Guest Writer: Finding And Chasing Your Passion

Hello again! This is Abby, an old friend of Erica’s, you may remember from a post I wrote a while back. This time I want to ramble about something similar, but kind of different, especially in light of a few things that came to happen during the last couple of months.

First, a little background on what I want to ramble about.

I don’t know how many of you, if any, follow a show called RWBY produced by Rooster Teeth, it’s about a bunch of really badass teenage girls who are monster hunters. It’s an awesome little show. And unfortunately it’s creator and lead writer, Monty Oum passed away at the 04oum-obit-master180beginning of February.  He was a very inspirational person and remains incredibly inspirational and motivational. And then on February 27th, Leonard Nimoy – who most of you will know better as Mr. Spock, passed away. He was a major inspiration to a lot of people, not just those in the sci-fi world.

All that being said I want to talk about, following your dreams and finding someone or something that inspires you and why it is so important.

Alright, I’m going to get a little personal here for a minute. When I was younger I didn’t want to follow my dreams. I didn’t want to be different. Now there were a lot of reasons for this, one of the most compelling being that I was bullied. So like many younger children I tried my hardest to fit in, because when you’re little and weird fitting in seems like the best way to go. However as I got older, I realized that was not what I – or anyone do.

Now, why did I start with Monty and Spock? Because they inspired me. Spock, reminds me to always be myself, because when you’re weird and different (just like he was), you shouldn’t have to hide it. Monty, well, he showed me, that you have to chase your dreams with everything you’ve got.

And that’s what I want to talk about: chasing your dreams. They are what makes you, you.

Everyone is different and weird, in their own ways. I like to dress up in costume as comic book or anime characters and go to conventions. I love to write, especially urban fantasy stories. That’s who I am and I’ve embraced it. Why? Because, you have to be true to yourself, even if yourself is someone who freaks other people out. Spock taught me Spock,_2293that, what with the being half human, and half Vulcan, he was supposed to be cold and logical, but he let his emotions color his life because that’s who he was. And Monty, he chased his dream with every fiber of his being, throwing himself into it wholly regardless of what it did to him.

Now, I’m not saying you have to sacrifice your health or emotional well-being to chase your dreams and find inspiration. However, chasing your dreams will make you happier, that I can guarantee. People always say, do what you love and you won’t work a day in your life. I’m sorry, but that’s bullshit. Do what you love, and you’ll work harder than then you ever have. You’ll enjoy yourself, despite all the frustration and in the process you’ll make or do something that you can be proud of.  Once you find your passion, nothing will be able to stop you from your desire to make it happen but you have to pursue it. I’m not talking, halfheartedly saying things like, “Oh, I want to be a writer” and then occasionally writing a few lines and saying you’ll go back to it later. I mean sitting down every day and working on it, pouring your heart and soul into it. That’s what it really means to chase your dreams.

In order to chase your dreams, you have to be moved by something, be it your love of cooking or animating or writing or space or whatever. Now, I know thus far it seems like I’ve been focused on what Monty taught me however, Leonard Nimoy, specifically as Spock, taught me that you have to be who you are, and be unashamed about who you are. Being unashamed of who you are will allow you to chase after your dreams and find what you really want to be or want to do.  The perfect example of this is Spock applying to both Star Fleet and the Vulcan Science Academy and when he gets into the Science Academy, realizing that what he really wanted to do was join Star Fleet. And before purist tell me I am wrong yes, I know this is from the 2009 Star Trek movie, and it wasn’t Nimoy’s portrayal but if I am remembering correctly, in the original series this is alluded to, but never seen.

Now while, I’ve probably gone off topic a lot and talked a lot of nonsense, my goal was to share with those who will listen why being accepting of yourself, finding inspiration and chasing your dream is so important.  A life without chasing your dreams, even if you never meet them, would seem empty and, in my opinion, not a life worth living. My last piece of advice is this: work hard and follow your heart. Yeah, work that crappy jobbigstock-Find-Your-Passion-44435605 because you need to make a living, but when you have the time chase your dream, follow it with all your heart and work hard for it. Because even when it seems like everything is lost and what you’re doing doesn’t seem worth, having a dream means you have something to chase.

After all, life isn’t necessarily the destination but the journey. Life is our individual journeys to chase our dreams.

From The Writer: I want to dedicate this post to my amazing and wonderful Nanna. She was one of the first people in my life to truly teach me how to live a life full of passion and how to chase your dreams. She was the one who introduced me to Mr. Spock and without that introduction I would not be the person I am today. So for probably not the last time, but the first of many, I want to thank her for everything she did Rest In Power Nanna, I miss you more than anything. 

Raising My Hand

I have been away from the University of Mary Washington for  a year now. I have been finished with college for almost 9 months now. However, as a summer graduate I have yet to make the symbolic walk across the stage to shake hands with the college president and officially finish college. A three-hour ceremony and my world changes.

As the day gets closer and closer I have started reflecting on the past, present, and future:

1) Playing through the growing pains

I recently started a new job and it’s my first real professional job. While I do enjoy my job I can say that there are definitely some growing pains that I have experienced before, way back when I made the jump from high school to college. While going from high school to college and college to working are in act quite different the feelings I am experiencing are fascinatingly and frustratingly the same. However, as my infinitely smarter parents pointed out, that this is a part of getting into the work force and that as I learn and grow into this new state of being it will hurt less and less. When I stated college I made a conscious effort to see the good things about what I didn’t and try to it focus on the bad.

2) 110%

One of the very few regrets I have from college is that I wish I had worked harder in college. That’s not to say I slacked off but there were times when I could started that essay a week sooner, given that extra 10%. I have thought about going back to school to learn new specific skills or to even earn a masters but I have concluded that if I was to do this I need to be in 110%. Do or do not, not try.

3) So Far, So Good

There are so many things that I did learn while at UMW and so many things that I know. I have found myself this past couple of weeks trying to remind myself of that. While I still have a long way to go I have come so far already.

4) Answer/Asking


Learning to raise my hand not just to answer questions but to ask them. This is a lesson that I learned while in college and one that I have started to prefect while in the work place. I have learned that there is always someone who knows the answer and more often than not they are willing to tell you.

5) Being Proud of my accomplishments

I have a college degree. I got accepted into 8 of the 10 colleges I applied to. I made long-lasting friendships. I choose a college that was perfect for me. I mark those in the win column.

I am proud of myself for graduating high school. I am proud of myself for making it through college. Life after college has thrown me some curve balls but sooner or later I will hit a home run. I remember the past, I am enjoying the present, and learning to not fear the future.

Life after College: Am I Ready?

So, I am back at school for what will hopefully be by last semester of school. And while I am super excited about the end of my college career, I am also terrified. Transitioning from elementary school to middle school wasn’t a huge jump but I did have to concentrate on the jump. Middle school to high school I had to take a few steps back to make the leap. High school to college I had to use a zip line. I can only imagine the machinery I will need to survive the jump from college to adult life. I would like to think that I will only need a small 2 person plane to make the jump but as it gets closer and closer I am thinking I may need closer to a 747, with plenty of space. Last semester all I could think is that I am ready for college to be over but as I get closer to the end I am reconsidering. Think my parents would be mad if I decided to change my major? Mad, probably not. Not willing to pay for at least 2 more years of school, more plausible.

I recently made a mistake that I am extremely embarrassed about. This is the kind of mistake that has the potential the change my current course. It was me not paying attention to a little thing. While I know it will be fine I am afraid that this is the kind of thing that I am afraid of. Am I ready for the real world? If this mistake is any indication maybe real life isn’t for me.

I’ve always known what is next. I have dutifully gone from elementary to middle to high to college. This is the first time I will attend a graduation that is effectively an end of around 17 years of education.  After graduation there just seems to be this empty space and honestly, I do not know if I am ready for it.


He Said, She Said

Rumors are a bad thing. One person may or may not have said one thing. Another person hears something wrong. It’s the game telephone but with real stakes not just, “my dog ate my homework,” changing into “where are my whale flippers.” I would like to think that I do not let one thing influence my option of someone but something just happened that it might be the case.

When I was in elementary school and middle school I was teased. I was not skinny enough, not pretty enough, not this not that. I hated it. Like many young people, I felt like a loser. When I entered high school I was not teased or bullied. For the first time I saw other doing it. I promised myself right then and there that I would never judge someone on what others said or did but to make the judgement call myself.

I royally failed in this instance…and for that I am sorry. I promise I never meant to hurt you but I did not know how to deal with a “supposed” betrayal of friendship. Whether it happened or not I could have handled everything better. I am sorry that this had to ruin our friendship. It just hurt hearing that someone who I considered a friend could have said them. I thought that I was past all that but in an instant I was a 12-year-old in middle school again, the 2 worst years of my life.

Rumors have a way of starting drama and I am so not that kind of person. I want to grow up. I want to mature and be a civilized. Being a grown up, my mother says, is knowing when to pick your battles. Fighting for a friendship is  always a good fight.

From the bottom of my heart….sorry…


Junior Year Fall 2011

So I am heading back to school in about a month and I cannot wait!! Not only and I very sick of being at home and my parents but I want to show them that I can be that A student that they knew in high school. I cannot wait!! I am getting a new roommate and hopefully it will be a good friend of mine.  We will be good together. At least I hope so considering I have had 3 roommates over 2 years. First roommate: did not get along. Second roommate: fantastic but she left to go to a school closer to home. Third roommate: moving off campus. I am going to make this one stick.

Oh and I also got all the classes I wanted. Every single class I am taking is one I wanted to take and am in my new major, political science. I was a business administration major but then I realized that I did not like business and I was just taking it because it thought it would look good for jobs and things like that. But I then came to the realization that taking classes that made me miserable in a major I didn’t have my heart in vs. a major and classes that I enjoyed seemed silly. So I switched and so far I am excited about starting my new major.

I am also turning 21 this year which is a big deal. 10,13,16, 18, and 21 are the milestones I have hit so far. And all of them have been great (except 18 which had a bit of a bump, but I will tell you about that later). I am growing up and loving it. I am going to get good grades this year no ifs, ands, or buts. Just hard work and studious behavior. Wish me luck!