He Said, She Said

Rumors are a bad thing. One person may or may not have said one thing. Another person hears something wrong. It’s the game telephone but with real stakes not just, “my dog ate my homework,” changing into “where are my whale flippers.” I would like to think that I do not let one thing influence my option of someone but something just happened that it might be the case.

When I was in elementary school and middle school I was teased. I was not skinny enough, not pretty enough, not this not that. I hated it. Like many young people, I felt like a loser. When I entered high school I was not teased or bullied. For the first time I saw other doing it. I promised myself right then and there that I would never judge someone on what others said or did but to make the judgement call myself.

I royally failed in this instance…and for that I am sorry. I promise I never meant to hurt you but I did not know how to deal with a “supposed” betrayal of friendship. Whether it happened or not I could have handled everything better. I am sorry that this had to ruin our friendship. It just hurt hearing that someone who I considered a friend could have said them. I thought that I was past all that but in an instant I was a 12-year-old in middle school again, the 2 worst years of my life.

Rumors have a way of starting drama and I am so not that kind of person. I want to grow up. I want to mature and be a civilized. Being a grown up, my mother says, is knowing when to pick your battles. Fighting for a friendship is  always a good fight.

From the bottom of my heart….sorry…


Junior Year Fall 2011

So I am heading back to school in about a month and I cannot wait!! Not only and I very sick of being at home and my parents but I want to show them that I can be that A student that they knew in high school. I cannot wait!! I am getting a new roommate and hopefully it will be a good friend of mine.  We will be good together. At least I hope so considering I have had 3 roommates over 2 years. First roommate: did not get along. Second roommate: fantastic but she left to go to a school closer to home. Third roommate: moving off campus. I am going to make this one stick.

Oh and I also got all the classes I wanted. Every single class I am taking is one I wanted to take and am in my new major, political science. I was a business administration major but then I realized that I did not like business and I was just taking it because it thought it would look good for jobs and things like that. But I then came to the realization that taking classes that made me miserable in a major I didn’t have my heart in vs. a major and classes that I enjoyed seemed silly. So I switched and so far I am excited about starting my new major.

I am also turning 21 this year which is a big deal. 10,13,16, 18, and 21 are the milestones I have hit so far. And all of them have been great (except 18 which had a bit of a bump, but I will tell you about that later). I am growing up and loving it. I am going to get good grades this year no ifs, ands, or buts. Just hard work and studious behavior. Wish me luck!