Raising My Hand

I have been away from the University of Mary Washington for  a year now. I have been finished with college for almost 9 months now. However, as a summer graduate I have yet to make the symbolic walk across the stage to shake hands with the college president and officially finish college. A three-hour ceremony and my world changes.

As the day gets closer and closer I have started reflecting on the past, present, and future:

1) Playing through the growing pains

I recently started a new job and it’s my first real professional job. While I do enjoy my job I can say that there are definitely some growing pains that I have experienced before, way back when I made the jump from high school to college. While going from high school to college and college to working are in act quite different the feelings I am experiencing are fascinatingly and frustratingly the same. However, as my infinitely smarter parents pointed out, that this is a part of getting into the work force and that as I learn and grow into this new state of being it will hurt less and less. When I stated college I made a conscious effort to see the good things about what I didn’t and try to it focus on the bad.

2) 110%

One of the very few regrets I have from college is that I wish I had worked harder in college. That’s not to say I slacked off but there were times when I could started that essay a week sooner, given that extra 10%. I have thought about going back to school to learn new specific skills or to even earn a masters but I have concluded that if I was to do this I need to be in 110%. Do or do not, not try.

3) So Far, So Good

There are so many things that I did learn while at UMW and so many things that I know. I have found myself this past couple of weeks trying to remind myself of that. While I still have a long way to go I have come so far already.

4) Answer/Asking


Learning to raise my hand not just to answer questions but to ask them. This is a lesson that I learned while in college and one that I have started to prefect while in the work place. I have learned that there is always someone who knows the answer and more often than not they are willing to tell you.

5) Being Proud of my accomplishments

I have a college degree. I got accepted into 8 of the 10 colleges I applied to. I made long-lasting friendships. I choose a college that was perfect for me. I mark those in the win column.

I am proud of myself for graduating high school. I am proud of myself for making it through college. Life after college has thrown me some curve balls but sooner or later I will hit a home run. I remember the past, I am enjoying the present, and learning to not fear the future.